Cochran had ball-cleavage at the Pinewood Derby, Robb will just use a brick, and rich people have the nicest sporks ever.
Feb 21, 2019
THRUSTCAST THROWBACK - #024: Robber's Delight
They talk about the Spork Wave, suspenders, and bank robbery.
Cochran had ball-cleavage at the Pinewood Derby, Robb will just use a brick, and rich people have the nicest sporks ever.
Cochran had ball-cleavage at the Pinewood Derby, Robb will just use a brick, and rich people have the nicest sporks ever.
Feb 7, 2019
They talk about Crystal Pepsi, self-driving Ubers, and Eddie Money's "Take Me Home Tonight."
Cochran has definitely taken a ceramics class, Robb thought it would be less repulsive, Eddie Money might be a werewolf, and every first kill is pretty special.
Cochran has definitely taken a ceramics class, Robb thought it would be less repulsive, Eddie Money might be a werewolf, and every first kill is pretty special.